Anxiety, The Brain & CBT


Anxiety, The Brain & Cognitive Therapy (CBT)

Did you know that the human brain is composed of approximately 100 billion neurons? Until recently we thought that the brain is fully developed (and therefore unchangeable) by the end of childhood and once you became an adult it was pretty much downhill for the brain.

Neuroplasticity and the mind’s ability to change the brain

In the past few years though there has been a huge amount of brain research that shows that the brain actually possesses a remarkable capacity to reorganize pathways, create new connections and, in some cases, even create new neurons. We now know our brains are not fixed, they have neuroplasticity. What does this mean? Basically we can change the way we think about things to change our brain to be happier!


You may say that is all very well and good but why would I want to change my brain? The reason I am really interested in all this brain research is that most people who come to see me come because they are fed up of feeling worried, anxious and/or sad. By changing the way we evaluate things and react to them can change these negative pathways the anxious part of our brain has got so used to traveling down.

Are You On Automatic Pilot?

We have all been on automatic pilot when doing something e.g. we drive to a place without thinking how we got there. When our brain is disengaged brain change is switched off. However, when our brain is alert and engaged in an activity our brain’s plasticity switches are turned “on” because chemical neurotransmitters are released and we are then ready to facilitate change.

Is Your Brain Wired To Feel Anxious?

Because of life experiences and genetics some brains are more anxious than others. When we think of doing something that causes us some anxiety our brain tells us “run away, don’t do it!”. Our body listens to the brain and produces adrenaline and amongst other physical sensations our heart beats faster, our hands get sweaty and our breathing gets shallow and this reinforces the idea that we “SHOULDN’T DO IT!” so we avoid that situation.

So How Do I Change This Anxiety Pathway In My Brain?

Brain change is a result of learning, our experiences and memory. Basically, by learning new ways to think and deal with anxious or sad feelings we can develop different connections in our brain.

If we feel the fear and do it anyway this teaches our brain to develop a memory that actually doing this scary thing was manageable, nobody died and it really wasn’t nearly as bad as you thought it would be. We then feel more confident when that situation comes up again our brain says “Yeah, I can do that, it’s manageable”. The more times we do it the less scary it gets because our brain lays down each memory and makes a more positive pathway between our emotions and that type of event.

For example: Jane hates making phone calls (many people do). She thinks about it making that call and her heart beats faster, her fear rises and she gets someone else to call for her.

According to Canadian scientist Donald Hebb, “Neurons that fire together, wire together.” If your thoughts focus on worrying and self-criticism, you’ll develop neural structures of anxiety and a negative sense of self.

Spend 15 Minutes A Day Doing Something New

The really important thing to remember is that to build new pathways in the brain you have to be alert and focused on what you are thinking and doing and to be most effective you need to try new things as the brain grows best when info is novel.

Do Something Scary

When we are doing something that scares us, our brain pays better attention to what is going on.

New habits = brain change. Scary new habits = quicker brain change.

Start small though rather then choosing to tackle something that causes you a lot of anxiety. You need to increase your confidence. I suggest you think of a hierarchy of anxiety-provoking situations then start with the one that is just a little bit out of your comfort zone.

Can Cognitive Behavior Therapy & Brain Science Work Together?

Yes! Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and the new brain research really complement each other. I ask clients to recognize when they feel a negative emotion such as anxiety, anger or sadness and “catch” the thought that they are having. These thoughts tend to be automatic and negative and because we are beating up on ourselves without even realizing it, they elicit a negative emotion. Who wouldn’t feel bad if they are telling themselves they can’t do something or they are bad in some way.

We then really focus on what you are thinking and challenge those thoughts so you can change your behavior and find out that the situation isn’t as bad as you are thinking it is. By thinking and doing things differently, especially things that are out of your comfort zone, you build new pathways in the brain.

So What Is Cognitive Therapy?

Step 1: Identify your thoughts or self-talk and they make you feel

Once you catch the negative thought you can learn a new way of thinking about it.

Step 2. Identify thought traps

There are many thought traps but perhaps the most frequent ones that I see are:

Filtering – only taking note of all the bad things that happen, but ignore any good things
Overgeneralizing – using words like “always” or “never” to describe situations or events
All-or-Nothing Thinking – it has to be this way or it’s no good
Mind-Reading – believing that we know what others are thinking or thinking they should know how we feel. Often we assume that they are thinking the worst of us. However, we can’t mind-read so need to communicate with people.
Overestimating – we believe that something that is unlikely to occur is actually about to happen e.g. “I will faint” “I’ll go crazy” “I’m dying”.

Remember – Just thinking something doesn’t mean it’s true or that it will happen.

Step 3: Challenge Your Negative Thoughts

Questions to ask yourself to help challenge your negative thoughts or self-talk:

• Am I falling into a thinking trap (for example, catastrophizing or mind-reading)?
• What is the evidence that this thought is true? What is the evidence that this thought is not true?
• What would I tell a friend if he or she had that thought?
• Am I confusing a “possibility” with a “probability,”? It may be possible, but is it likely?
• Am I 100% sure that _______ will happen?
• How many times has _______ happened before?
• Is really so important that my future depends on it?
• And my all-time favorite – What is the worst that could happen?

I have been using CBT techniques for twenty years and they work! What I find totally fascinating though is that we can look at the recent brain studies about neuroplasticity and now understand the reasons behind why it works.

For an in-depth look at CBT read What Is CBT? A Simple Guide to Understanding Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


1. Being alert and focused when you try to do new things can change your brain.

2. Doing scary things retrains your brain to realize that that doing something anxiety-provoking is associated with Taking Action not Avoidance.

3. CBT strategies help you do  new behaviors that cause brain change. You become confident rather than worried.

Harnessing this power is an effective way to achieve brain change and reduce negative emotions.

Dr. Sarah Allen

If you have any questions, or would like to set up an appointment to work with me and learn how to reduce anxiety, please contact me at 847 791-7722 or on the form below.

If you would like to read more about me and my areas of specialty,  please visit Dr. Sarah Allen Bio. Dr. Allen’s professional license only allows her to work with clients who live in IL & FL & the UK and unfortunately does not allow her to give personalized advice via email to people who are not her clients. 

    What Can I Read That Helps Me While I Am Waiting For My First Appointment With Sarah?

    Download this free report to gain valuable insights and practical strategies for managing anxiety and worrying.

    As featured in

    Empowered to Combat Anxiety.

    Dr. Allen has helped me through several difficult times. She has taught me tools to use to combat anxiety which is something I have dealt with my whole life. She has empowered me and given me strength that I didn’t know I had. I am so thankful!

    Beth R.

    Excellent Therapist!

    Dr. Allen is a colleague of mine and she is an excellent therapist. She is warm, caring, and exceptional at her work. I refer clients to Dr. Allen and I highly recommend her if you are looking for a top notch therapist.

    Jodi Petchenik, LCSW

    Dr. Allen Helped Me to Feel More Empowered

    Dr. Allen has really helped me find my own voice. When I began therapy I would swing between being passive and doing whatever other people wanted me to do to being angry and frustrated. I have been on antidepressants for quite a few years but it wasn’t really working. Through therapy I have learned to listen to my own needs and to speak up. I used to worry that people wouldn’t like me if I didn’t agree with them but when Dr. Allen gave me the support I needed I challenged my fears. I spend a lot less time feeling angry and depressed now and I have really widened my social network. This is how I have always wanted to be but didn’t know how to get there. Dr. Allen has a very reassuring manner and makes you challenge yourself but by using small steps so you feel ready to do it. I have really come out of my shell and would recommend anyone who is feeling depressed to come and talk with her.

    Rebecca F.

    Worrier No More.

    I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t a worrier and when my doctor suggested therapy instead of an antidepressant I didn’t think it could really help. I was totally wrong. I don’t spend so much time worrying about the “what ifs” now and concentrate on working on things that are in my control to change in the “here and now” rather than in the past or future. I spend much less time in my head worrying about everything and now have useful strategies to deal with many situations at home and at work. Life is much less stressful and I find myself teaching people I manage at work the strategies Dr. Allen taught me.

    Marcia B.

    Worry & Panic Attacks Transformed by Dr. Allen

    Last year I was so crippled by anxiety and panic attacks and I didn’t believe that anything or anyone would be able to help me. Since seeing you my life has changed forever and I am finally turning into the person that I always wanted to be…and the person I never thought I could be. You will be the person I call if I start to feel that way again.

    Wendy T.

    Trusted & Knowledgeable Therapist.

    When I need to refer any of my patients for talk therapy I immediately think of Dr. Allen as she is wonderful at helping people with severe and complex issues really get to the root of their problems. She is very caring and knowledgeable and I have found her extensive experience really helps people to change their lives for the better.

    Dr. Teresa Poprawski



    If you are thinking about getting counseling and you’d like to talk to someone about the things that are troubling you, I am happy to help.