6 Tips For Coping After A Miscarriage


6 Tips For Coping After A Miscarriage

I expect you are reading this article because you, or a person close to you, has experienced a miscarriage or still birth.  When you lose a baby, at whatever stage of development it was at, it can be totally devastating and it is normal to feel a mix of overwhelming emotions such as shock, numbness, grief, sadness, guilt, anger, as well as a sense of failure and vulnerability.

You began your journey as a mother as soon as you got a positive result on the pregnancy test. Perhaps you imagined what the baby was going to be like and of course, what is was going to be like to be their mother.  These dreams are crushed with the loss, but just as every woman navigates their pregnancy in a unique way, processing grief and loss is a unique journey as well.

In this article I am going to share 6 tips that will hopefully help you in the process of healing from your loss.

1. Understand That It Not Your Fault

6 Tips For Coping After A Miscarriage

Pregnancy loss or complications can happen to anyone and is more common than you think, as many OB/GYNs do not prepare women about the possibility of miscarriage.

When someone experiences a pregnancy loss, they often try to understand what has happened by looking for a reason as to why it occurred and often thoughts are about what they could have done differently (or not done) to have prevented it from happening, but the truth is there’s probably nothing you could have done that would have made a difference.

The March of Dimes has some useful statistics listed on their website

  • As many as half of all pregnancies may end in miscarriage. We do not know the exact number because an early miscarriage may happen before a woman knows she’s pregnant.
  • Most women who miscarry go on to have a healthy pregnancy later.
  • Miscarriage is usually a one-time occurrence.
  • Most women who miscarry go on to have a healthy pregnancy after miscarriage. Less than 5% of women have two consecutive miscarriages, and only 1% have three or more consecutive miscarriages.

Early Miscarriage affects one in every four women with most early miscarriages happening in the first trimester due to chromosomal abnormality – meaning that something is not correct with the baby’s chromosomes. By the second trimester (between 13 and 19 weeks) miscarriages occur 1 in every 5 pregnancies.

Such losses, though common, are often invisible. Because many miscarriages occur early on in pregnancy, typically before a woman has even told people that she is expecting, women are often mourning their loss without much support. Even when loved ones know about the pregnancy, well-meaning people often fail to recognize the depth of emotions a loss can cause.

If the loss is after 20 weeks, it is called a stillbirth and the risk of this happening is lower, roughly to 1 in 160 pregnancies. For nearly half of all stillbirths the cause can be evaluated, but that means that in over 50% of cases cause cannot be determined, and we do know that there is no predictor of who will be affected by stillbirth and who won’t.

The takeaway from these statistics is that even if you carefully planned your pregnancy and did “everything right” you cannot have done anything to prevent your loss happening and you are not to blame.

2. Understand The Grieving Process You Are Going Through

6 Tips For Coping After A Miscarriage

Grieving is not a tidy process and we don’t really pass through the stages of grieving in a one stage follows another type of way. Typically, people jump back and forth between the stages for as long as the mind needs to, but the first stage of the grieving process is usually denial, “This isn’t happening, this can’t be happening”, where you may feel numb until your mind is able to start processing what has happened.

Next could come anger; perhaps directed towards those close to you, the medical professionals and/or yourself and your body. In my private practice where I work with women who have miscarried I often hear women say they are angry at their body for “letting them down” and not being able to do what other women seem to do easily. Or angry at medical staff who they felt were unhelpful or partners who don’t understand what a sense of loss they are feeling.

The bargaining stage is where the mind starts to try to understand why the miscarriage happened and is what we might have done to prevent it. “If only I had done xyz, this wouldn’t have happened.” This stage is closely tied up with blame and anger, but please remember, pregnancy complications and loss can happen to anyone, you didn’t cause this to happen by something you did or didn’t do!

Once someone begins to acknowledge to themself that a loss has happened, they might want to withdraw from everyone (depression stage) as they experience sadness, crying, shame and inadequacy or a sense of hopelessness.

Lastly, there is acceptance. Even though you feel sadness at the memory of what has happened, your thoughts are no longer consumed by what has happened. Although please remember that there isn’t a time frame for how long it takes to reach acceptance. Give yourself time to heal. Don’t pressure yourself to get past the sadness quickly. Allow yourself to deal with your grief as it comes.

There is no right or wrong way to deal with grief or trauma, but allow yourself to accept your feelings as they are right now and don’t judge yourself for how you are responding.

When we mourn the loss of a family member or friend, we have a shared past with that person with photos and memories of the shared experiences you had with the loved one. One way that grieving a miscarriage is different from other grieving is that it is a mourning of the loss of the story in where you imagined what your future child was going to be like and what you were going to be like as mother. I think that there is often a lack of recognition from the medical field and society in general about the depth of emotions miscarriage can bring. This can further heighten a woman’s feeling of isolation and belief that they are supposed to move on quickly.

3. Try Not To Close Yourself Off From Others.

If you don’t feel ready to face the world right after your loss, then don’t. It is totally okay to take some time off from work to focus on yourself. After a while though, try not to withdraw from others.

6 Tips For Coping With Miscarriage

Although it may seem painful to talk about, sharing your story with others will allow you to feel less alone and help you heal. If you feel ready to open up about what has happened, you might be surprised by how many of your co-workers, neighbors, friends and even family members have also experienced their own losses.

Someone who has not gone through a loss probably can’t really know what it’s like to miscarry. Most people want to say something comforting, but might not know what to say and may even say something dismissive such as “You’re young, you can always try again”.  Try not to take it personally if someone says the wrong thing or in some cases, says nothing at all because they do not know what to say.

Be honest with people about what you need. If you are back at work or out with friends, you might need to not talk about it for fear that you won’t be able to hold it together. Thank them for their condolences and say you can’t talk about it at the moment, but do talk to someone about your feelings, whether in a support group or to a friend that understands, rather than keeping all your feelings inside.

You may also want to seek out a therapist who specializes in pregnancy loss to help you cope with the difficult emotions you’re experiencing right now, and ultimately, to process and come to terms with your grief.

4. Look After Yourself Physically

6 Tips For Coping After A Miscarriage

Even when your world feels confusing and sadness makes ordinary tasks like eating and sleeping difficult, it is important to care for your physical health after a miscarriage because your body is vulnerable right now. You are recovering from all the hormonal and physical changes of pregnancy and you are grieving on top of that. The physical recovery and healing after a stillbirth can take longer as your body will go through the same hormonal and physical changes as if you had delivered a baby.

I do not think that the length of pregnancy before the loss changes the emotions and grief you go through afterwards. It is important to eat nutritious foods, drink plenty of fluids, and get enough rest as these are all part of nurturing your physically healthy so you can focus on your emotional health.

5. Writing Out Your Feelings Can Help

When someone has experienced a distressing event, the brain tries to make sense of what happened, but because it is distressing to think about your loss, you might be trying to push away the thoughts. Try not to avoid how you are feeling though, as it only festers and comes out at times you don’t want it to, typically as anger or anxiety. Schedule time to think and process what you experienced/ are still experiencing. One way to do this is through journaling.

6 Tips For Coping After A Miscarriage

Journal writing is a great way to explore your feelings and emotions and because a journal is private, you can allow yourself to reflect on just what it is that you are feeling and thinking without censoring yourself.

Studies have found that writing in a journal can speed up the recovery period during sad times. If you are finding it hard to stop thinking about what has happened, I find it is useful to set a short period of time, once or twice a day where you explore those feelings, then close the journal. When thoughts come into your mind at other times outside of journal writing time, tell them that you are going to deal with them later today, you don’t want to think about them right now. This puts a boundary around thinking so you’re not constantly ruminating about what has happened and what it might mean.

Tips for journaling: Find a place where you won’t be interrupted for fifteen minutes (or however long you decide). If you find it hard to get started or think you might not like writing, set aside a short amount of time i.e. five minutes, and write in bullet points or notes. Don’t worry about grammar, spelling, or sentence structure.

In your writing, try to be aware of your thoughts and feelings about your loss and remember, you are in charge of this process, there is no right or wrong way to do this but pace yourself. If you feel more distraught, ease up and write about a different aspect until you are ready to dig deep again.

Keep your mind focused on what is happening now and try to resist the urge to make predictions about what might happen in the future, particularly catastrophic ones.

Expect to feel negative emotions after a journaling session, but if you have been sitting deep in thought, change things up by moving your body, even if that just means cleaning up the kitchen while listening to a favorite song or going for a walk.

6. Understand Anxiety and PTSD Can Occur After A Loss

Types of Anxiety Disorders

We know that most women experience some degree of psychological distress after a miscarriage, or a stillbirth and we have discussed the emotions that can arise during the  grieving stages, but for some people the symptoms of anxiety and/or depression are more long lasting and can severely interfere with a person’s ability to function.

My blog post Types of Anxiety Disorders goes into more detail about all the different types of anxiety disorders, but the ones more commonly seen after pregnancy loss are generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), acute stress disorder (ASD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Typical anxiety and depression symptoms following a pregnancy loss can include:

  • Depressed or irritable mood for most of the day
  • Anger outbursts or irritability
  • Withdrawal from family and friends and other social interactions
  • Difficulty falling and staying asleep
  • Feelings of shame, guilt and inadequacy
  • Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
  • Coping with stress through unhealthy behaviors such as excessive drinking or eating
  • Ruminating over what has happened
  • Spending an excessive time online researching miscarriage and other health concerns

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) after a pregnancy loss is typically linked to fears that there is an underlying medical or genetic condition that may have caused the loss and worry that a future pregnancy will also end in loss.

Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) is directly associated with a traumatic event (the pregnancy loss) and can manifest within hours and lasts for at least two days, but no longer than four weeks. Symptoms of acute stress disorder may include:

  • A sense of numbness or lack of emotional responsiveness
  • Feeling dazed or outside of oneself
  • Inability to recall aspects of the trauma
  • Reliving the event through recurrent thoughts, dreams, or flashbacks
  • Avoiding anything that is a reminder of the miscarriage
  • Persistent edginess and/or distress

The symptoms of PTSD are similar to ASD, but they last longer than four weeks.

  • Intrusive re-experiencing of a past traumatic event (which in this case may have been the childbirth itself)
  • Flashbacks or nightmares (which can be about the events leading up to, during or shortly after labor)
  • Avoidance of stimuli associated with the event, including thoughts, feelings, people, places and details of the event (frequently this involves avoidance of the hospital or doctors’ office, magazines about childbirth, other new moms)
  • Persistent increased arousal (irritability, difficulty sleeping, hypervigilance, exaggerated startle response)
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Feeling a sense of unreality and detachment

The severity of continued psychological distress has no association with the number of weeks a person was pregnant and can equally affect women who have experienced an early miscarriage or stillbirth. An interesting study from the Imperial College in London, found that among 186 women who experienced an early pregnancy loss, 28 percent met the criteria for PTSD after three months of follow-up.

Whether you are impacted by continued anxiety, depression, or stress disorders, it is important to remember that you are not alone in going through this and professional support can really help you move forward. Healing doesn’t mean forgetting what happened, it is more about accepting that your loss occurred and then starting to be present in your life again rather than trapped in the past or in fear of the future.

I hope you have found this information helpful in taking steps to heal. Looking after your emotional health is as important as your physical health. Allow yourself to grieve, acknowledge what you are feeling without self-criticism or blame and when you are ready, find support from talking to others who have also experienced pregnancy loss.

Everybody’s journey is different, but please allow yourself time to grieve for what might have been and process what has happened. If you are experiencing fears, sadness or trauma reactions that are affecting your daily functioning and you feel stuck, don’t be afraid to reach out for professional help. If you are not in a state I am licensed in (Illinois or Florida), your doctor will be able to refer you to local mental health professionals who have specialist training in treating loss and trauma resulting from miscarriage and stillbirth.

Dr. Sarah Allen has 20+ years experience as a therapist helping women during their reproductive years to look after themselves while they develop practical tools to feel back in control after a miscarriage, stillbirth or when going through infertility treatment. We all need a little support sometimes. You don’t need to feel alone.

Dr. Sarah Allen

I specialize in empowering women to live the life they want. If you would like to work with me, please phone me at 847 791-7722 or on the form below.

If you would like to read more about me and my areas of specialty,  please visit Dr. Sarah Allen Bio. Dr. Allen’s professional license only allows her to work with clients who live in IL & FL & the UK and unfortunately does not allow her to give personalized advice via email to people who are not her clients. 

Dr. Allen sees clients in person in her Northbrook, IL office or remotely via video or phone.

    What Can I Read That Helps Me While I Am Waiting For My First Appointment With Sarah?

    I have written five other booklets that you might find interesting: Simple Steps To Overcome Depression, Simple Steps To Overcome Emotional Eating, Guide To Pregnancy & Postpartum Issues, Simple Steps To Overcome Anxiety, and How To Stop Arguing With Your Child.

    See each specific webpage to download one or many.

    As featured in

    Empowered to Combat Anxiety.

    Dr. Allen has helped me through several difficult times. She has taught me tools to use to combat anxiety which is something I have dealt with my whole life. She has empowered me and given me strength that I didn’t know I had. I am so thankful!

    Beth R.

    Warm & Knowledgeable.

    I highly recommend Dr. Allen! She is warm and so easy to talk to. She has lots of knowledge about women’s health.

    Kathryn Gardner, LCSW

    Excellent Therapist!

    Dr. Allen is a colleague of mine and she is an excellent therapist. She is warm, caring, and exceptional at her work. I refer clients to Dr. Allen and I highly recommend her if you are looking for a top notch therapist.

    Jodi Petchenik, LCSW

    A Mother’s Journey to Family Harmony

    When I started seeing you for therapy I felt so overwhelmed and trapped in daily battles with my three children. Thank you so much for all your help. It has really helped me gain a better perspective. I am now a role model for my children and help them worry less about things by teaching them the tools you taught me.

    Margaret R.

    I Learned To Cope Beyond the Scale

    When I first came to see Dr. Allen, I was sick of struggling with my weight. With her help, I realized that a lot of my eating habits were a way of dealing with the bad relationship I was in. With her support, I made some big changes in my life, increased my self-confidence and found better ways to deal with my stressful job. Now I don’t need to eat my way to feeling better, I have much better ways to cope with life’s difficulties.

    Ann C.

    Overcoming Emotional Eating

    I have always been on a diet and my mood went up and down as my weight did. My internist thought I might be depressed and referred me to Sarah. I was willing to give anything a try but really thought I just needed more self discipline to stick to my diet. By talking things through with her I quickly realized that not being able to stick to a diet wasn’t really about food, although I certainly craved sweets. I learned to notice how different emotions and situations triggered my overeating and Sarah showed me other ways that don’t involve food to deal with how I felt. I have a much better relationship with food now and don’t view it as the enemy. Sarah showed genuine concern and was very encouraging. I would recommend her services to anyone struggling with eating issues.


    A Parent’s Journey with ADHD

    I first came to see Dr. Allen I was completely exhausted by battling with my son who has ADHD and angry outbursts. I have learned how to stay calm and that helps him stay calm too and we have a much better relationship. We still have our difficult days but I am in a better position to deal with them and at the end the day I am left feeling that I am done my best, not guilty that I have failed him. The techniques she taught me for helping him deal with his ADHD have been very useful for all of us.

    Cathy S.

    Sarah Transformed Our Family’s Sleep and Sanity

    My baby didn’t sleep. She wouldn’t sleep more than a couple of hours at night and no more than 30 minutes during the day. I was completely overwhelmed and my husband and I were at each other’s throats. I was supposed to be going back to work but was barely functioning. Sarah helped us to learn how to get our baby sleeping and then she supported me in my transition back to work. She also helped my husband and I navigate how to share childcare and running the house fairly. She is a very knowledgeable therapist and has really helped us.

    Pam. L.

    From Overwhelmed to Empowered

    When I started seeing Dr. Allen for therapy I felt so overwhelmed and trapped in daily battles with my three children. Thank you so much for all your help. It has really helped me gain a better perspective. I now feel like I am a role model for my children and help them worry less about things by teaching them the tools you taught me.

    Margaret R.

    Thankful for Dr. Allen’s Help & Support.

    Thank you for all of your support. I am finally feeling so much better. I never thought I would get to such a good place in my life. Your voice and words of encouragement were extremely helpful.

    Sharon T.

    Gratitude and Growth

    Thank you so much for all the support and counsel you have given me. You have made such a positive impact on my life and I very much appreciate it. I had some very dark days when I first came in to see you but I can now enjoy my life with my husband and two kids and I am emotionally present when I am with them.

    Katy W.

    Highly Recommended.

    I had heard great things about Dr. Allen from a friend so I decided to try her. I have had therapy in the past as I have experienced anxiety and depression for many years but this is the most productive therapy I have ever had. I have really learned a lot and felt very supported. I feel my mood has improved greatly and my depression has significantly decreased. I would definitely recommend her if you are looking for a therapist.

    Andrew S.

    Dr. Allen Helped Me to Feel More Empowered

    Dr. Allen has really helped me find my own voice. When I began therapy I would swing between being passive and doing whatever other people wanted me to do to being angry and frustrated. I have been on antidepressants for quite a few years but it wasn’t really working. Through therapy I have learned to listen to my own needs and to speak up. I used to worry that people wouldn’t like me if I didn’t agree with them but when Dr. Allen gave me the support I needed I challenged my fears. I spend a lot less time feeling angry and depressed now and I have really widened my social network. This is how I have always wanted to be but didn’t know how to get there. Dr. Allen has a very reassuring manner and makes you challenge yourself but by using small steps so you feel ready to do it. I have really come out of my shell and would recommend anyone who is feeling depressed to come and talk with her.

    Rebecca F.

    Worrier No More.

    I can’t remember a time when I wasn’t a worrier and when my doctor suggested therapy instead of an antidepressant I didn’t think it could really help. I was totally wrong. I don’t spend so much time worrying about the “what ifs” now and concentrate on working on things that are in my control to change in the “here and now” rather than in the past or future. I spend much less time in my head worrying about everything and now have useful strategies to deal with many situations at home and at work. Life is much less stressful and I find myself teaching people I manage at work the strategies Dr. Allen taught me.

    Marcia B.

    Worry & Panic Attacks Transformed by Dr. Allen

    Last year I was so crippled by anxiety and panic attacks and I didn’t believe that anything or anyone would be able to help me. Since seeing you my life has changed forever and I am finally turning into the person that I always wanted to be…and the person I never thought I could be. You will be the person I call if I start to feel that way again.

    Wendy T.

    Trusted & Knowledgeable Therapist.

    When I need to refer any of my patients for talk therapy I immediately think of Dr. Allen as she is wonderful at helping people with severe and complex issues really get to the root of their problems. She is very caring and knowledgeable and I have found her extensive experience really helps people to change their lives for the better.

    Dr. Teresa Poprawski

    Dr. Allen is an expert in treating perinatal mood disorders.

    I refer as many patients as I can to Dr. Allen. She is an expert in treating perinatal mood disorders, and a well-trained and experienced therapist who is committed to working with her clients to develop a treatment plan designed for each individual. She exhibits genuine warmth, kindness and compassion for each of her clients. Dr. Allen has been a colleague of mine for more than 20 years, and I have great confidence when I refer patients to her.

    Leslie Lowell Stoutenburg

    I become empowered and a happier person.

    I began seeing Dr. Allen when my first child was around a year old. I had experienced a very traumatic birth, after a difficult pregnancy where I was on bed rest for a good portion of the time. The first year of my son’s life was spent worrying constantly. I also experienced flashbacks to the birth, which was an emergency C-section under general anesthesia. My son was in the NICU for several days following his birth, and I was not given very much information as to why. I remember thinking that he would die, or that something awful was going to happen.

    I experienced a great deal of anxiety that first year, and I thought that it was due to being a new mom. I wasn’t sleeping, I wasn’t eating as normal, and I remember being worried about leaving the house or taking my baby with me anywhere. I worried constantly about illness, germs, etc.

    The first day that I saw Dr. Allen, she gave me some questionnaires to fill out before we started talking. Then we sat down and talked about my experiences with my son’s birth and the early days of his life, and the year or so since then. I remember to this day the relief that I felt when she looked at me and said that I had PPD and PTSD, which was a result of the trauma I experienced during and immediately after the birth of my son. She explained how my brain had reacted to the stress of these events, and related it to why I was feeling the way that I felt. It made so much sense. Then, she described ways that I could get over the trauma, work through the feelings, and recover from PTSD and PPD. I felt so empowered, and so happy that the way I felt had a name, and that it was treatable. It also made me feel so validated in the ways that I had felt and reacted following my son’s birth. I wasn’t going crazy. My reaction was normal and natural. And with the help of Dr. Allen, and the type of therapy that she uses, I knew I could recover.

    It is over five years since that first visit with Dr. Allen, and I still use the tools that she taught me today to deal with stress. I credit her with helping me to become a more empowered, happier person.


    Overcoming PPD with Dr. Sarah’s Support

    When I had my first baby I had what I now know was postpartum depression but I didn’t get any help. It did go away after about 18mths but it was a miserable way to begin motherhood.  When I was pregnant with my second child I started to become depressed again and this time told my OB/GYN how I was feeling and she referred me to Sarah. By starting to deal with how I felt and change the way I was handling the stresses in my life, I was in a much better place when my baby was born. The second time round my PPD was much less severe and didn’t last as long. 

    Sarah was also really helpful in teaching me ways to make the transition of becoming a big sister easier for my oldest one too.   My husband came with me for some sessions and that really helped our relationship and we started working on parenting issues together.  Sarah’s counsel and support really helped our family transition to the good place we are all in today.

    Sarah C.


    If you are thinking about getting counseling and you’d like to talk to someone about the things that are troubling you, I am happy to help.