Do You Often Feel Sad, Hopeless or Empty?
Are You Lacking Energy or Feeling Unmotivated? You May Be Suffering From Depression. I Can Help You Feel Better And Enjoy Life Again.

When people first come in to see me they often need help to regain control in their life. They often feel stuck and overwhelmed.
Everyone occasionally feels blue or sad. But these feelings are usually short-lived and pass within a couple of days. When you have depression, it interferes with daily life and hurts both you and those who care about you. Depression is a common but serious illness but the majority, even those with the most severe symptoms, can get better with depression treatment.
Symptoms of Depression – Everyone’s Experience is Different But Can Include:
- Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” feelings
- Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism?
- Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
- Irritability, restlessness
- Loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including sex
- Fatigue and decreased energy
- Difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions
- Insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping
- Overeating, or appetite loss
- Thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts
- Aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment.
If you recognize any of these symptoms of depression, you are not alone. About 17 million American experience depression each year and about 20% of all women and 12% of all men in the US will experience an episode of major depression at sometime in their lives. Teenagers are also at risk. Twenty percent of teens will have experienced depression by the end of their teenage years.
Please be reassured though that, with help, depression is very treatable. Through proven, effective therapy methods and 25 years of experience Dr. Allen’s depression treatment gets quickly to the root of the problem and uses a compassionate, problem-solving approach to identify and treat the issues that are causing you to feel overwhelmed and down.
Here Are Some Concerns I Have Heard About Getting Help
I already feel like I don’t have enough hours in the day to take care of everything I have to do. I just don’t see how I could fit therapy in.
Although you are extremely busy and overwhelmed right now, it’s very important that you make time for yourself and your needs in order to be able to enjoy your life. Specialized therapy will offer you the support you need to get through your depression and move on with your life. You don’t need to be stuck with these difficult feelings.
Perhaps I should just try an antidepressant?
Talk therapies have been proven to be effective at alleviating depression symptoms in hundreds of research studies conducted around the world. For mild to moderate depression, talk therapy has been shown to be more effective than medication and does not have intrusive negative physical side effects. Patients treated with CBT, were also more likely to go into remission and have fewer symptoms of depression. These effects are not just at the end of therapy. Many studies have reported that patients using therapy vs medication show more positive improvements at 12 months and longer post therapy.
If you are experiencing severe depression though there is absolutely nothing wrong in seeking treatment that uses both antidepressants and talk therapy. When I work with someone who can see that the coping strategies we are talking about in therapy are a great idea but their depression makes them not have the motivation to be to do them, I often suggest having a consultation with a psychiatrist and used together, therapy and medication can really work well in lifting you to a place where you can utilize the strategies we are discussing.
I’m a little scared about starting therapy, I’ve never had it before…
There is nothing scary about meeting with me. You know yourself better than anyone else and at your own pace, I will ask you to tell me what has been going on in your life and together we will get to the sources of the issues you are facing. I have many years of experience and between us we will be able figure out the best way to move forward. Although we will talk a little about the past so we know how to have got to the place you are now, our focus will be in the present and how to help you develop the tools you need to feel less depressed and start enjoying your life.

Please don’t wait to get help! You don’t have to go through this alone.?
What Can I Do Right Now That Will Help?
When clients first come in to see me, the main concerns that come up again and again are:
1. How can I feel less stressed, angry and/or down and unmotivated?
2. What practical steps can I take to feel less depressed?
3. How can I stop worrying about everything: my children, partner, friends, work, my “to do” list….
So I put together a booklet with some strategies I am always saying to my clients to help them begin to improve their mood. I hope that you will find it helpful too.

If you have any questions, or if you would like to work with me and learn more about how to manage depression, please phone me at 847 791-7722 or on the form below.
If you would like to read more about me and my areas of specialty, please visit Dr. Sarah Allen Bio. Dr. Allen’s professional license only allows her to work with clients who live in IL & FL & the UK and unfortunately does not allow her to give personalized advice via email to people who are not her clients.
Dr. Allen sees clients in person in her Northbrook, IL office or remotely via video or phone.

What Can I Read That Helps Me While I Am Waiting For My First Appointment With Sarah?
Download this free report to gain valuable insights and practical strategies for managing depression and reclaiming your peace of mind.

As featured in

If you are thinking about getting counseling and you’d like to talk to someone about the things that are troubling you, I am happy to help.