Advice for Couples Sleeping in Separate Bedrooms


This guest post by Jackie Pilossoph

was printed in the Northbrook Star & other Chicago Tribune local newspapers.

June 28, 2017

Maybe it’s because I’m a relationship columnist (plus a true romantic at heart), but when my girlfriend told me that she and her husband recently started sleeping in separate bedrooms, I felt really, really sad for them. In my mind, hearing “separate bedrooms” equated to them being disconnected, distant and living like roommates instead of life partners. And, if there was marital discord, separate bedrooms would only drive them further apart. I was expecting to hear the word “divorce” in the next 60 seconds.

But then my friend talked me off the ledge, telling me the problem with the sleeping arrangements in her home have nothing to do with the marriage and everything to do with “intense snoring.”

Although I felt great relief that the problem lie not in the marriage but rather in her husband’s nasal passages, I had to wonder: Can separate bedrooms turn into a sexless marriage? Can sleeping apart lead to growing apart?

For insight, I reached out to Dr. Sarah Allen, a North Shore-based psychologist who specializes in women’s issues and relationships. Allen said couples choose to sleep in separate bedrooms for a variety of reasons, including the desire to get better sleep.

“A lack of sleep can cause relationship issues, including resentment if you are being woken up by snoring,” said Allen, who has been in practice for 22 years. “Not getting enough sleep can also cause irritability and fatigue, and if you have other medical issues, lack of sleep can make them worse.”

According to the National Sleep Foundation, one in four couples sleep in separate bedrooms due to sleep disorders that include snoring and sleep apnea. But does that statistic mean one in four couples aren’t having sex? Allen said no.

“People think sex equates to sleeping in the same bed with someone, but it doesn’t,” she said. “You can spend time with your spouse in bed before you go to sleep. You can cuddle, talk about your day, read together, watch TV, give each other back rubs or have sex. Afterward, you can go into another room to get the sleep you need.”

But what happens when one person moves out of the bedroom for a reason that has nothing to do with getting ZZZ’s, and everything to do with conflict in the relationship? Allen said retreating to another room because of arguments, resentment and feeling distant or disconnected only leads to unresolved problems and a worsening situation.

She said when couples come to see her about this issue, she advises that they make quality time to talk, to communicate and to connect. And, ironically, she tells them to do that in the bedroom.

“The marital bed is the only place you get peace and quiet and privacy, especially if you have children,” Allen said. “That should be the place to work on the issues. It is a place where you are physically close and that can foster closeness and intimacy.”

The thing is, every couple is unique. There are couples who sleep in the same bed who have great marriages, and who are emotionally and physically connected. There are also couples who sleep in the same bed who are unhappy together and who don’t have sex. I feel sorry for those couples.

There are couples who don’t sleep in the same bed who are in sexless marriages, and there are couples who don’t sleep in the same bed (like my friend) who are very satisfied and happy in their relationship.

I guess where in the house you get your sleep isn’t so important, as long as you wake up well rested. What matters more when it comes to a healthy, happy relationship is the time a couple spends together while awake. Laughing together, feeling appreciated and loved, being intellectually challenged, feeling sexy and attractive to each other, genuinely liking each other and enjoying your spouse, even when it’s just the two of you loading the dishwasher; that’s way better than REM sleep. It’s actually a dream come true.

I see clients in my Northbrook office or for your convenience, via telephone or internet sessions


Dr. Sarah Allen

If you would like to learn ways to communicate better and improve your relationships please contact me with any questions or to set up an appointment at 847 791-7722 or on the form below.

If you would like to read more about me and my areas of specialty,  please visit Dr. Sarah Allen Bio. Dr. Allen’s professional license only allows her to work with clients who live in IL & FL & the UK and unfortunately does not allow her to give personalized advice via email to people who are not her clients. 

Dr. Allen sees clients in person in her Northbrook, IL office or remotely via video or phone.

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    Are you looking to enhance your ability to communicate effectively? Whether it’s in your personal relationships, professional endeavors, or everyday interactions, mastering communication is key. Download my booklet “Simple Steps to Improve Communication” now to discover practical strategies and techniques that will empower you to express yourself with clarity and confidence.

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    Thankful for Dr. Allen’s Help & Support.

    Thank you for all of your support. I am finally feeling so much better. I never thought I would get to such a good place in my life. Your voice and words of encouragement were extremely helpful.

    Sharon T.

    Gratitude and Growth

    Thank you so much for all the support and counsel you have given me. You have made such a positive impact on my life and I very much appreciate it. I had some very dark days when I first came in to see you but I can now enjoy my life with my husband and two kids and I am emotionally present when I am with them.

    Katy W.

    I become empowered and a happier person.

    I began seeing Dr. Allen when my first child was around a year old. I had experienced a very traumatic birth, after a difficult pregnancy where I was on bed rest for a good portion of the time. The first year of my son’s life was spent worrying constantly. I also experienced flashbacks to the birth, which was an emergency C-section under general anesthesia. My son was in the NICU for several days following his birth, and I was not given very much information as to why. I remember thinking that he would die, or that something awful was going to happen.

    I experienced a great deal of anxiety that first year, and I thought that it was due to being a new mom. I wasn’t sleeping, I wasn’t eating as normal, and I remember being worried about leaving the house or taking my baby with me anywhere. I worried constantly about illness, germs, etc.

    The first day that I saw Dr. Allen, she gave me some questionnaires to fill out before we started talking. Then we sat down and talked about my experiences with my son’s birth and the early days of his life, and the year or so since then. I remember to this day the relief that I felt when she looked at me and said that I had PPD and PTSD, which was a result of the trauma I experienced during and immediately after the birth of my son. She explained how my brain had reacted to the stress of these events, and related it to why I was feeling the way that I felt. It made so much sense. Then, she described ways that I could get over the trauma, work through the feelings, and recover from PTSD and PPD. I felt so empowered, and so happy that the way I felt had a name, and that it was treatable. It also made me feel so validated in the ways that I had felt and reacted following my son’s birth. I wasn’t going crazy. My reaction was normal and natural. And with the help of Dr. Allen, and the type of therapy that she uses, I knew I could recover.

    It is over five years since that first visit with Dr. Allen, and I still use the tools that she taught me today to deal with stress. I credit her with helping me to become a more empowered, happier person.



    If you are thinking about getting counseling and you’d like to talk to someone about the things that are troubling you, I am happy to help.