What Is Emotional Eating and How Do You Overcome It?


Thank you for joining me today as I share some information about what emotional eating and binge eating are and also some strategies to help with overcoming them.

Simple Steps To Overcome Emotional Eating

To find out more about emotional eating and to download the free booklet Simple Steps To Overcome Emotional Eating (which includes questionnaires to find out what if you are an emotional eater and if yes, type of emotional eater you are) use the sign up form below the book.


For more info on emotional eating visit the Weight & Emotional Eating page.

Dr. Sarah Allen specializes in empowering women to live the life they want.

Visit www.drsarahallen.com for more blog posts on a variety of issues relevant to women.

She sees clients in her Northbrook office or via telephone or Skype sessions.

She can also be reached at (847) 791-7722 or by the form below.


If you are thinking about getting counseling and you’d like to talk to someone about the things that are troubling you, I am happy to help.